
Thy Brother’s Theology: The Doctrinal Guessing Game


If G.K. Chesterton, Saint Augustine, and Martin Luther made a game together, this would be it. **PRE-ORDER for Eastertide 2025.**

The flagship doctrinal guessing game.

Availability: 49 in stock

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The game of classical theology, church history, Bible nerd-dom, Christian culture, and MORE, spicier than a communion wafer doused in habanero sauce.

Knowest thou thy brother’s theology? Embroil thy brethren in a win-or-lose contest to guess the shape of thy fellow player’s beliefs, one prompt at a time.

If G.K. Chesterton, Saint Augustine, and Martin Luther made a game together, this would be it.

TBT is perfect for the coffee table and the campfire, and it’s a must-have for students and seminarians. If you lead a Bible study, host a pub gaggle, or know a couple pastors who need cheering up, grab a bundle of these puppies and bless their Calvinist socks off.

(…unless they’re not Calvinist…in which case, they’re just normal socks.)

[Ahem] If you like Wayne Grudem, have friends, take your scotch neat, and/or keep a copy of Strong’s by your bedside, this game is for you. Think Apples to Apples meets Would You Rather with a dash of 95-theses-nailing spunk sprinkled over the lot. 

Thy Brother’s Theology: the Doctrinal Guessing Game is the flagship work of Millothy Games, a spicy family enterprise helping Christian families, friends, and schools relish the truth and keep reformation rife with laughter and fun.

No MDIV or Biblical Science degree required. Thy Brother’s Theology is ideal for game nights, retreats, and youth group lock-ins (insofar as such events are legal). An excellent resource for class icebreakers and discussions, student lounges, and staff workshops.

Plus, running out of date night stimuli? Look no further than this fat stack of conversation firebrands [-ahem, starters] which, coincidentally, you can win. 

Box dimensions: 3.8″ x 3.6″ x 2.8″


  • 158 Prompt Cards
  • 12 Stance Cards
  • 6 Free Will Cards
  • 1 “Direction of Play” Card
  • 3 Customizable (Blank) Prompt Cards

**Note: this bundle of fun is currently available only to USA-based addresses.


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Green box of theology guessing game playing cards on a wooden shelf of old books.Thy Brother’s Theology: The Doctrinal Guessing Game
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