Reformation rife with laughter.

Test thy brethren. Try thy wits.

Theology just got funner.

If G.K. Chesterton, Saint Augustine, and Martin Luther made a game together, this would be it.

Embroil thy brethren in a win-or-lose contest to guess the shape of thy brother’s theology, one prompt at a time.


#1. Pick a prompt.

#2. Pick direction of play.

Green card reading "Thou Shalt Guess" directing play in the clockwise direction.
Green card reading "Thou Shalt Guess" directing play in the counter-clockwise direction.

#3. Decide thy stance.

(Be honest, now)
Two gold and white playing cards, one reading "Aye" and "Nay" and the other reading "My Stance."

#4. Guess thy friend’s.

Two black and white playing cards, one reading "Aye" and "Nay" and the other reading "Thy Stance."

#3. Decide thy stance.

(be honest, now)
A gold and white playing card reading "Aye" and "Nay"

#4. Guess thy friend’s.

[deep breath]
A black and white playing card reading "Aye" and "Nay"
Two playing cards, both reading "Nay" are revealed
Two stance cards are revealed, both reading "Aye."
Two stance cards are revealed, the gold card reading "Nay" and the black card reading "Aye."
Two stance cards are revealed, the gold card reading "Aye" and the black card reading "Nay."




Reveal thy cards and


(Points are bad…like in golf.)


belongs to him who
finishes with the
FEWEST points.

Thy small group awaiteth.


Jesus has been crowned king
and his resurrection makes

life quite a bit fun.


Think “communion wafer doused in habanero sauce.”


Was Elijah scarier than Elisha?
Pray to Daddy God? Sola Scriptura?


…Do I need an MDIV to play Thy Brother’s Theology (TBT)?

Can I play TBT with my kids?

How long does a typical game last? When should it end?

Can’t someone win simply by lying?

I’m not reformed. Will I like this game?

How can I submit a prompt for an expansion?

for the Coffee Table. Dorm. Pub.

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